Short note on the summer or the Hot Weather Season !!!!!
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The summer season is from March to May. ... This is also the season of localized thunderstorms; accompanied by violent winds, torrential downpours, and hail. Pre-monsoon showers are common towards the end of the summer season; especially in Kerala and Karnataka.
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Summer season is the hottest season of the year. In this season the temperature became so high that water starts to evaporate very quickly. But this is the most entertaining season for kids who enjoy it to the fullest because their school gets off in the summer season. Usually, summers last for mid or later March to June but they can expend up to the first week of July due to a delay of monsoon. The season occurs when the earth tilts towards the sun and a vice versa phenomenon for winter. In the southern hemisphere, December to February are the summer months. The day becomes warmers and nights become cooler. Besides, the day is longer and nights are shorter.Small ponds, rivers, and wells dry up in this season. The groundwater level declines and in some areas conditions like drought occurs.