Apex mission is designing a databays for all its employees. hard copy designer want to store the passport size photograph of each employee link to their respective names. Can you suggest which data type should they use?
Apex Corporation is designing a database for all its employees. The designers want to store the passport sized photograph of each employees to their respective names. ... I would opt for the file system approach and putting the paths in the SQL query as its quicker than storing the entire pic in the db itself.
Apex mission is designing a databays for all its employees. hard copy designer want to store the passport size photograph of each employee link to their respective names. Can you suggest which data type should they use?
Apex Corporation is designing a database for all its employees. The designers want to store the passport sized photograph of each employees to their respective names. ... I would opt for the file system approach and putting the paths in the SQL query as its quicker than storing the entire pic in the db itself.