Given in the assignment.

Answer 1st question
Boot Files are files needed to boot an operating system on a computer. Each operating system has its own set of boot files needed to locate, load, and initialize the operating system during the boot sequence.
When the Windows OS is first installed, certain files are placed on the hard drive that are required to be there in order for the operating system to load, whether in Normal Mode or Safe Mode.
For example, Windows XP requires that NTLDR, among other boot files, be loaded from the volume boot record before the OS can start. Newer versions of Windows need BOOTMGR, Winload.exe, and others.
When one or more of these boot files are missing, it’s common to have a hiccup during startup, where you normally see some kind of error related to the missing file, like “BOOTMGR is missing.”
For example, the MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows 3.x platforms use the hidden files io.sys and msdos.sys and the file command.com. Configuration information stored in the text files config.sys and autoexec.bat is also used during the process. On Windows 95 and Windows 98 platforms, the files used are io.sys, msdos.sys, and win.com, with the files config.sys and autoexec.bat used optionally to support legacy hardware.
The files needed to boot the Windows NT and Windows 2000 operating systems vary depending on whether the x86 platform or the Alpha platform is used. For example, for Windows NT on the x86 platform, the boot files include the following: