Describe the process of respiration in humans with a labelled diagram.
Hi friend here is your answer
Respiration is done with the help of our respiratory system
Different animals or organisms have different organisation In lower invertebrates like sponges ceolentrates Flatworms exchange of o2 CO2 occurs by simple diffusion
Earthworm use their moist cuticles insects have tracheal tubules etc etc
Talking about human respiratory system we have
1) External Nostrils
2) Nasal chamber
3) Nasopharynx
3) Trachea
4) Larynx the sound box
5) Pharynx
6) Bronchi which forms the secondary tertiary bronchi ending up in the terminal bronchioles
The trachaea, primary, secondary, tertiary bronchi and initial bronchioles are provides with the C-shaped cartilagenous rings which act as the support
Terminal bronchi give rise to the sac like structures called Alveoli
Such networks of alveoli bronchi and bronchioles are lungs
We have 2 lungs covers by double layer membrane pleura with pleural fluid in between which absorbs the mechanical shock and reduces the friction
Nostrils upto the terminal bronchioles is called conducting part
While Alveoli and its ducts are called Respiratory Part
Respiration involves steps as follows
1) Breathing or pulmonary ventilation
Here atmospheric air rich in O2 is taken and CO2 rich alveolar air is expelled
2) Diffusion of gases across the alveolar membrane
3) Transport of gases
4) Diffusion of the gases across blood tissues
5) Utilization of oxygen by the cells or tissues for catabolic activities
Hope it helps you.................!!
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Day One Ish
. When we breathe, we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. The so-called exchange of gases is necessary for respiration and which can be considered as a chemical process.
Every organism, from an individual bacteria cell to a mighty blue whale, undergoes respiration.
But, before we discuss respiration in humans, let us first look at the respiratory organs of other organisms. This would give us a better idea of how the human respiratory system is more advanced than the others.
Breathing is the first step in respiration for almost all organisms. The inhale and exhale of gas and its mechanism depends on the environment in which the organisms survive.
For instance, the lower organisms like the unicellular take up oxygen and release carbon dioxide by the process of diffusion across their membrane. Annelids like earthworms have a moist cuticle which helps them in gaseous exchange. Respiration in fish and other aquatic organisms have special organs called gills, which help them in respiration. Most of the higher organisms possess a pair of lungs for breathing. The humans have a well developed respiratory system. Let us take a look at human respiration.
The human respiratory system consists of the following parts:
External nostrils – For the intake of air.
Nasal chamber – which is lined with hair and mucus to filter the air and remove dust and dirt.
Pharynx – It is a passage behind the nasal chamber and serves as the common passageway for both air and food.
Larynx – Also known as the sound box as it helps in the generation of sound and thus helps us in communicating.
Epiglottis – It is a flap-like structure that covers the glottis and prevents the entry of food into the windpipe.
Trachea – It is a long tube passing through the mid-thoracic cavity.
Bronchi – The trachea divides into left and right bronchi.
Bronchioles – Each bronchus is further divided into finer channels known as bronchioles
Alveoli – The bronchioles end up into the balloon-like structures known as the alveoli
Lungs – We have a pair of lungs, which are sac-like structures and covered by a double-layered membrane known as pleura.