English, asked by DüllStâr, 1 month ago

  \large\bf \underline{Question: }
Write the whole paragraph in modern English.

Also mention important keywords along with meanings.

▪︎From : Merchant of Venice
▪︎Act 2 scene 1.
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Answered by Oreki

\textsf{\Large\bf \underline{Modern English}}


     \textsf{Don't dislike me for my complexion,}\\\textsf{The dark uniform given by the buring sun,}\\\textsf{To whom I am a neighbor and grown up}\\\textsf{closely with.}

     \textsf{Bring me the fairest man from the north,}\\\textsf{where the sun god Phoebus's rays hardly}\\\textsf{melts the icicles. Then, let us cut our skin}\\\textsf{for your love to see whose blood is redder,}\\\textsf{his or mine.}

     \textsf{I tell you, lady, this appearance of mine }\\\textsf{has scared the brave. By my love, I swear}\\\textsf{the most respected maidens of our lands}\\\textsf{have loved my dark complexion. I would not}\\\textsf{change this colour, expect to win your favor,}\\\textsf{my gentle queen.}

\textsf{\large \underline{Important Keywords and Phrases}}

     \textsf{\textbf{livery:} uniform}\\\textsf{\textbf{burnish'd:} shining}\\\textsf{\textbf{near bred:} have grown up close to}\\\textsf{\textbf{Phoebus:} the sun god in classical mythology}

    \textsf{\textbf{The shadow'd ... sun:} a metaphor wherein the dark complexion of}\\\textsf{\hspace{10em} \:the Prince of Morocco is called dark livery that}\\\textsf{\hspace{10em} \:that is given by the sun.}\\\textsf{\textbf{To whom I am a neighbor:} Morocco is close the sun, bring situated}\\\textsf{\hspace{12em}\: near the equator.}\\\textsf{\textbf{thaws:} melts}\\\textsf{\textbf{icicles:} spikes of ice, formed when water freezes while falling down}\\\textsf{\textbf{incision:} a cut}\\

    \textsf{\textbf{whose blood is reddest:} The Elizabethans believed that a rich red colour}\\\textsf{\hspace{11em}\:of the blood is the sign of courageous man.}\\\textsf{\textbf{aspect:} appearance}\\\textsf{\textbf{valiant:} courageous}\\\textsf{\textbf{seal your thoughts:} win your affection}\\\textsf{\textbf{clime:} land; country}\\\textsf{\textbf{hue:} colour, complexion}\\

Answered by IdyllicAurora

Solution :-

Original Translation ::

Don't dislike me for my skin colour, because I am the neighbour of the region of where there's sufficient rays of sun and not shadow. Bring me the most beautiful person of the northern land where the heat of sun doesn't melt the ice caps. And then let us cut the body of mine and that human just for your lóve to prove whose blood is more red, his or mine. I tell you lady my this aspect that my courage made many váliant people feared. This aspect of mine has been loved by best regarded maídens of our region. And I wouldn't change this colour of my skin or trade it for anything instead I want you to think of me kindly, my dear.

Understanding the Translation ::

This is an extract from the play Merchant of Venice of Act 2 and Scene 1. In this play Prince of Morocco enters with Portia and Nerissa. Here the Prince says that he shouldn't be disliked for his dark skin since he comes from the region where there's a lot sunlight to tan anyóne. He even asserts to bring the most handsome man from the northern region where ice doesn't melt because of heat of sun, so that his and that man's body can be cut to prove whose blood is more red. Even he says that his courage made many valiant humans fear from him. And this aspect of him is loved by many women of his region. He finally says that he won't change his complexion instead he wants the queen to kindly think of him about this.

Important Keywords ::

Complexion : Colour of the skin.

Mislike : Dislike

Shadowed Livery : The place where there is shadow here in context with shadow of sun rays.

Burnished sun : High intensity rays of sunlight providing heat from sun

Bréd : past of bréed, here means that he has been grown in that region.

Fairiest : Handsome, white and beautiful

Northword : Northern Region

Phoébus's fire : Heat and light of sun. Refers to sun god.

Scarce : Make the place empty, getting empty

Icicles : Ice caps, snow

Thaws : melts, burns

Incision : Make a cut

Reddest : Dark red in colour, to symbolise pure

Valîant : Courages and violent people

Háth Feared : scared

Vîrgîns : Young lovable humans, maidens

Clíme : Region, place

Húe : Colour, complexion

Important Phrases ::

Mislike ... sun : The prince here refers regarding disliking his complexion. He meants that his complexion is natural that is given to him to survive the hot sun rays.

To whom ... northward born : The prince here refers to get modt handsome man from a northern region.

Where ... mine : The prince wants to conpare his blood with the man from norther region to prove which is more red. It symbolises that ehose bloos is more pure and rare.

I tell ... clime : Here the prince regards the perfection in his beauty that made many valiant people fear from his courage and many maidens like him.

Have loved ... queen : Here he wants the queen to think of him carefully and thus exclaims that complexion can't be regarded to check anyóne's nature.

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