How to calculate the true value if it is not given?
Answer this question on the basis of systemic error - units and measurement.
Class 11th, physics
Firstly, what is a systematic error?
Answer - Errors that tend to be in one direction only are termed as systematic errors.
Sources :
- Instrumental errors
- Imperfection in experimental techniques
- Personal errors
Now, there is an another error, named absolute error.
Absolute error: Difference in magnitude of measured value and true value is called absolute error.
So, mathematically,
Let's come to the question now,
Here, we have to find the true value, if it is not given in the question or numerical.
Some steps are as follows :
Take larger number of readings.
Where, are measured values.
Mean of all measured values will be taken as true value.
where, is true value.
Calculate all absolute errors.
Mean of all absolute errors will be taken as the absolute errors of the readings.
Final answer will be written as :
Hence, we get the answer.
Solution :
▪ While doing an experiment several error can enter into the results. Errors may be due to faulty equipment, carelessness of the experimenter or random causes.
▪ The first two types of errors can be removed after detecting their cause but the random errors still remains.
▪ No specific cause can be assigned to such errors.
↪ When an experiment is repeated many times, the random errors are sonetimes positive and sometimes negative.
↪ Thus, the average of a largr number of the results of repeated experiments is close to the true value.
↪ However, there is still some uncertainty about the truth of this average.
↪ The uncertainty is estimated by calculating the standard derivation described below....
Let X1, X2, X3, ... , Xn are the results of an experiment repeated n times. The standard derivation is defined as
where is the average of all the values of X.
✴ Additional information :-
✏ The best value of X derived from these experiment is and the uncertainty is of the order of .
✏ In fact is quite often taken as the interval in which the true value should lie. It can be shown that there is a 95% chance that the true value lies within .
▪ All this is true if the number of observations n is large. In practice if n is greater than 8, the results are reasonably correct.