You received a defective laptop in response to your order from M/S Lotus Electronics, MP Nagar, Bhopal. Write a letter to the dealer requesting him to change the defective product at the earliest. You are Samridhi / Kabir of Flat no. 205, Paras City, E-6, Shahpura, Bhopal.
Have a great answering time ✌️
It’s pretty obvious that we should be grateful to the “essential workers” during this time of shelter in
place. Food suppliers, health care workers, delivery people, and first responders have taken on risks to
themselves for the benefit of everyone else. How can we possibly repay them? By showing a littlm
me tuje ni bhuli hu tu khud chalo gayi thi chorke ☺ me na kabhi bbuli thi N bhulugi or tune bye forevr kaha koo na bye vese bhi sab chale gaye the teri kami thi well goodbye ☺
love u 4ver
hello miss
good evening❣❣
how are you❣❣
I hope you are fine✌✌
तुम पूछ लेना सुबह से, न यकीन हो तो शाम से
ये दिल धड़कता है तेरे ही नाम से।
We use taxes in the form of fractions. When you share a pizza or anything. Interest rates on loans and mortgages. Interest on a savings accounts.
miss app ka intro please