Question;- How can we say that Earth is
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✍️ The earth may be a 2- dimensional but we see it as 3- dimensional i.e., it may be like a hologram which is 2-D but seems to be 3-D.
✍️ The earth may posses many realms other than Antarctica and equator which may be in 4-D or 5-D.
✍️ We may think of physical appearance or responces or feelings of 5D+ instead of 3D/4D like other humans.
✍️ As Multi-Dimensionals, we LIVE/Exist across all dimensions/space-time, we maintain expansion ALL OF THE TIME.
✍️We have an entirely different reality than those who still hold a human grid system in their physical bodies/form.
✍️ As in olden times we used to consider earth as flat but later on with advanced technology we came to know about its spherical appearance, it is possible that with more advanced technology we will be able to find new dimensions beyond our expectations.
✍️ It is some power or energy of this or some other dimensions that binds us through love, affection and feelings .
✍️ We think that afterdeath we will go to heaven,but may its the way to move or to connect to another dimension.
✍️ There are many clues that it is somewhere present another world called ' PARALLEL WORLD ' which is just similar to our world.
✍️ Its also possible that it is the result of some multidimensional world and earth and in future we may connect ourselves directly to it.
✍️And, so it is simply that experience is happening for the Earth also, because the dimensionality of the Earth is expanding from the 5th through to the 7th at this moment in time that she in herself has the capacity to hold the 12th Dimension frequency.
✍️ Now, the Earth herself is evolving into a much higher aspect of the physical realm that is, shall we say, holding the beings upon the planet.
♣ So, we may conclude that the earth is multidimensional and there are many mysteries which are yet to be solved.
Hope, we will solve them soon.