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Stipules :- It is the lateral appendages on either side of a leal base present in some plants.
Those leaves which have stipule is called as stipulate leaf.
Example - Fabaceae
And those which do not have stipule is known as ex-stipulate leaf.
Example - Liliaceae
Stipules are various types :-
1. Free lateral :- Those base in which stipules are present freely on both sides.
eg - Hibiscus rosasinensis (China rose).
2. Tendrillar :- Those stipules which have structure like tendrils.
eg - Smilax.
3. Spiny :- Those which have structure like spine.
eg - Zizyphus (Ber).
4. Foliaceous :- Leaf like structure stipules.
eg - Pea.
5. Ochreat :- When due to combination of two stipules a tube like structure is formed then it is known as echreat.
eg - Polygonum.
Hope it's helpful :)