1. Name four types of teeth and describe the working of each.
2. Explain the digestion in Amoeba.
3. An electrician is carrying out some repairs in your house. He wants to replace a fuse by a piece of wire. Would you agree. Give reasons
• Explain with 40+ words.
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• All the best.
★ Solution :-
1.) Name four types of teeth and describe the working of each.
Answer.) There are four types of teeth. They are :-
>> Incisors : These are the biting these. These aren't very sharp but are used to bite the food. They have flat bottoms. Their total number is eight in lower and upper jaw together.
>> Canines : These are the tearing teeth. These are very sharp from botton and tear the hard food. They are mostly slender in shape. Their total number is four in lower and upper jaw together.
>> Pre - Molars : These are the chewing teeth. These are flat and have locks. They chew food into smaller pieces. Their total number is eight in lower and upper jaw together.
>> Molars : These are the grinding teeth. They mix the food and break them into very small piece and then convert it into a paste. Their total number is twelve in lower and upper jaw together.
2.) Explain the digestion in Amoeba.
Answer.) Digestion is Amoeba is a Holozoic form of nutrition. Amoeba uses a finger - like projection called as pseudopodia which helps in ingesting the food. Actually when amoeba sense a food it moves near to it. Then it starts making a projection that is finger like. This projection covers the food slowly. After covering it wholy, the food moves inside the amoeba by the process of diffusion. Then this food gets digested in it's vacuoles by enzymes. After then the waste is left back again by the same process.
3.) An electrician is carrying out some repairs in your house. He wants to replace a fuse by a piece of wire. Would you agree ? Give reasons.
Answer.) No, we wouldn't agree with this. Fuse is a resistive wire which can allow the large amount of current to flow freely without being melted. Fuse itself is a wire. But this wire has very high melting point. So when current pásses through it, energy is produced. This energy also produces heat energy. This heat energy can easily melt the wire. Since fuse wire has very high melting point, it wouldn't melt. But a normal wire can easily melt. This melting would cause circuit to tríp. This will also break the circuit. When circuit get's broken, the flow of current stops.
★ More to know :-
• Diffusion : It is a movement of a substance from lower concentration to higher concentration.
• Current : It is a the rate of flow of charge per unit time in a conductor.
• Buccal Cavity : This is the part of mouth where the firsg digestion of food that is breaking down of raw food into pieces take place.
• Vacuoles : The part of the cell which stores the waste and discharges it.
• Mitochondria : This is the part of cell which stores the energy.
Name four types of teeth and describe the working of each.
We know that teeths are used for many purposes like chewing food. So these are supposed to be done with the main four types of teeth. They are,
Incisors - They are the teeth that we use to bite the food.
Canines - They are sharpest teeth, used for tearing food.
Premolars - They are used for tearing and crushing food.
Molars - They have a large flat biting surface used for tearing food.
Explain the digestion in Amoeba.
First we have to understand what is amoeba,
=>Amoeba is a microscopic organism which has fingerlike known as pseudopodia.
=>The process of obtaining food by Amoeba is called phagocytosis.
Then how it obtain it's food?
By these process,
Ingestion - When a food particle is near the Amoeba, it forms temporary finger-like projections called pseudopodia around the food particle and engulfs it.
Digestion - The food is digested in the food vacuole with the help of enzymes.
Absorption - It is then absorbed in the cytoplasm of the Amoeba by diffusion.
Assimilation - The absorbed food provides energy and a part of nutrition is used for growth.
Egestion - The undigested and the waste food particles are thrown out.
An electrician is carrying out some repairs in your house. He wants to replace a fuse by a piece of wire. Would you agree. Give reasons
No, the electrician should not be allowed to replace the fuse in the house with a piece of wire. This is because every wire cannot be used as a fused filament.