hey mates ....
I had posted a question :
write 10 sentences each on 1)Kabirdas
3)Rahim...(plzz write In Hindi )
but no one answered...why???
where are all the genius on brainly ... plzz at least answer now ...the question is for 100 points...it's urgent plzz answerI'll mark u as brainliest ♥️...fast... stupid answers will be reported ..
#कबीरदास जी हिंदी साहित्य की निर्गुण भक्ति शाखा के प्रमुख कवि थे।
कबीरदास जी का जन्म सन 1398 में लहरतारा के निकट काशी में हुआ।
इनका पालन-पोषण नीरू तथा नीमा नामक जुलाहे दम्पति ने किया।
कबीरदास जी का विवाह लोई नामक स्त्री से हुआ जिससे इन्हें दो संतानें हुईं।
इन्होने अपने पुत्र का नाम कमाल तथा पुत्री का नाम कमाली रखा।
कबीर दास जी प्रसिद्द वैष्णव संत रामानंद जी को अपना गुरु मानते थे।
कबीर दास जी ने अपनी रचनाओं में सधुक्कड़ी भाषा का प्रयोग किया
कबीर की वाणी को साखी, सबद और रमैनी तीनो रूपों में लिखा गया है।
इनकी वाणियों का संग्रह इनके शिष्यों द्वारा बीजक नामक ग्रन्थ में किया गया।
वह एक ईश्वर को मानते थे तथा किसी भी प्रकार के कर्मकांड के विरोधी थे।
#गोस्वामी तुलसीदास हिंदी साहित्य के महान कवियों में से एक हैं।
तुलसीदास जी का जन्म 1511 ई में बांदा जिले के राजापुर में हुआ।
इनके पिता का नाम आत्माराम दुबे तथा माता का नाम हुलसी था।
21 वर्ष की आयु में रत्नावली नामक कन्या से इनका विवाह हुआ।
इन्होने हिंदी, अवधि तथा ब्रज भाषाओं में अनेक रचनाएं की।
इन्होने हिन्दू धर्म के पवित्र धर्म श्री रामचरितमानस की रचना की।
गीतावली, जानकी मंगल, विनयपत्रिका इनकी अन्य प्रमुख रचनाये हैं।
तुलसीदास जी ने अपना सम्पूर्ण जीवन भगवान् राम को समर्पित किया।
तुलसीदास जी ने अपने जीवन का अधिकांश समय बनारस में बिताया।
तुलसीदास जी मुग़ल बादशाह अकबर और कवि रहीम के समकालीन थे।
#रहीम का पूरा नाम अब्दुल रहीम (अब्दुर्रहीम) ख़ानख़ाना था। आपका जन्म 17 दिसम्बर 1556 को लाहौर में हुआ।
अब्दुल रहीम ख़ान-ए-ख़ाना या सिर्फ रहीम, एक मध्यकालीन कवि, सेनापति, प्रशासक, दानवीर, कूटनीतिज्ञ, बहुभाषाविद, एवं विद्वान थे।जन्म से एक मुसलमान होते हुए भी हिंदू जीवन के अंतर्मन में बैठकर रहीम ने जो मार्मिक तथ्य अंकित किये थे.
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✯ Sant Kabir Das was the great Sant of India.
✯ He was one of the biggest poets of India.
✯ He was born in the year 1440.
✯ The Sant Kabir Das have got the all spiritual training from his Guru, whose name was Ramananda.
✯ He got fame all over the world because of his influential traditions and culture.
✯ The house of the Kabir Das has accommodated students and scholars for living and studying his great works.
✯ His parents were extremely poor and uneducated but they very heartily adopted the little baby and trained him about their own business.
✯ He lived the balanced life of a simple house holder and a mystic.
✯Some of the writings include Sakhi Granth, Kabir Granthawali etc.
✯Every year Kabir Das Jayanti is celebrated on different dates.
✯ Goswami Tulsidas is the leading poet of the Bhakti movement.
✯ He was a great reformer of Hindu Society.
✯ Tulsidas was born in an age when Hindu society was losing its religious and cultural sanctity and felt disillusioned in the wake of foreign invasions.
✯ He showed them the path and presented before them true and noble ideals to be followed in life.
✯ Tulsidas was a poet of the common people and wrote in their popular language ‘ Hindi’
✯ ‘Loknayak’ Tulsidas’s exact birth place is not known but it is believed that he was born in Rajpura (U.P.).
✯ He was taken into care by Swami Narharidas of Kashi who brought him up.
✯ In his childhood, he was taught Vedas, Puranas and Upanishads.
✯Tulsidas was married to Ratnavali.
✯ Tulsidas then renounced worldly life and became, a devotee of Lord Rama making pilgrimages most of his life.
✯ Rahim’s dohas, for which he is best known, are straightforward lessons for everyday life, touching on themes such as friendship, enmity, the crests and troughs of life, family, relationships etc.
✯ Rahim was born in Lahore to Bairam Khan and the daughter of Jamal Khan of Mewat of modern-day Haryana.
✯ He also wrote a great deal of Hindu devotional poetry and even more poems dedicated to love and erotica.
✯ His dohas, which he wrote possibly when he was a much older man, are simple in language and construction, his sensuous poetry is not.
✯ Much of it, written when he was a young man, is crafted with an eye to literary excellence.
✯ Rahim was known for his strange manner of giving alms to the poor. He never looked at the person he was giving alms to, keeping his gaze downwards in all humility.
✯ Apart from writing various dohas, Rahim translated Babar's memoirs, Baburnama from Chagatai language to Persian language.
✯ He had an excellent command over Sanskrit.
✯ He was one of the nine important ministers (dewan) in his court, also known as the Navaratnas.
✯ He is considered a Persophile