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The Nile valley
In ancient Egypt, agricultural exploitation apparently did not intensify until domesticated animals from Southwest Asia were introduced. By the first quarter of the 7th millennium BP in Al-Fayyūm, some villages were keeping sheep, goats, and swine and cultivating emmer, barley, cotton, and flax, which was woven into linen. In this dry climate, village silos consisted of pits lined with coiled basketry; crops were harvested with reaping knives slotted with sharp flints. Elsewhere, at Al-Badarī in Upper Egypt, animals were also kept; the fact that dead domesticated animals were wrapped in linen and then buried close to villages may indicate that agriculture was closely associated with some form of religious belief
By the time of the predynastic Amratian culture, about 5550 BP, agriculture appears to have begun in the valley alluviums of the Nile. By late predynastic times, about 5050 BP, there is evidence of a considerable growth in wealth deriving from agricultural development and accompanied by a more hierarchical social system.
Depictions on tombs and artifacts from the dynastic periods indicate that, in addition to present-day domesticates, animals such as the gazelle, deer (Cervidae species), hyena (Hyaenidae species), and aoudad, or Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia), were kept either in captivity or under some form of control. Whether this can be regarded as domestication is unclear, but certainly some aspects of animal husbandry were practiced with these unusual animals. Some early villages in Egypt relied heavily on gazelles as a food source. Some scholars have suggested that incipient gazelle domestication may have been under way during the predynastic period, but this hypothesis has been challenged by other researchers. It has also been suggested that millet was a staple crop in ancient Egypt.
Earlier, human beings were dependent upon food gathering, hunting and fishing for their survival Gradually, they started growing crops along the river valleys which fed to the beginning of agriculture. It helped ancient civilizations to flourish along the River Valleys.
In widen terms, Agricultura is
not"cultivation of land, it is the art and
science of rassing crops, Hearing of
livestock, forestry & fishing.