English, asked by AlifyaShabbir, 5 months ago

Text 31
This is a poem about another child's favourite time of day.
When silver moonbeams fill the sky,
That is the time that I love best,
To hear the blackbird's started cry
As she flies homeward to her nest.
I hear the nightingale sweetly singing,
As daisies droop their weary head:
It sounds like little church bells ringing,
While the sunset glows a fiery red.
A whispering breeze sweeps through the boughs
Of old oak trees which stand so still,
Herdsmen are driving home the cows,
As the sun sinks slowly behind the hill,
The evening is a lovely sight,
As stars begin to light the sky,
The owl waits for the coming night,
To hunt for prey she then must fly.
When silver moonbeams fill the sky
The harvest mice go scampering by.
149 a Work in pairs and together agree on the definition of the rhyme
scheme and metre of the poem in Text 31.​


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