Biology, asked by logitect, 9 months ago

1. Boojho wants to know how do plants prepare their own food. Help him to understand
Paheli wants to know why our body cannot make food from carbon dioxide, water and mine
do. Help her to understand this.​



Answered by captain64


the plant prepare food from the sunlight with the help of process of photosynthesis where as carbon dioxide cannot make food because it is deoxygenised so we cannot make food with co2

Answered by tamanna9056

Answer of 1st question

Answer :- Plants prepare their own food by taking up raw materials from the surrounding like carbon dioxide, chlorophyll, water, and minerals in the presence of sunlight by a process known as photosynthesis.

Answer of 2nd question

Answer :- Our bodies do not have chlorophyll which is required for the process of photosynthesis to make food from carbon dioxide, water and minerals like plants do.

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