Math, asked by manan8731, 7 months ago

Textbook pages 84-8.
Research Project:
Resources needed:
Chart Paper
Problem Statement
Chicken Burger
Paratha Roll
Chicken Burger
Chicken Burger
Paratha Roll
You may denote Ali as “A”, Sana as “S” and Zahid as “Z” respective
a) Represent the given data using Venn Diagram to helb visual Subje
likes and differences.
b) Using the Venn diagram, Find:
i. AUS
The F
(Pg 4
ii. AUZ
iii. AUS
Curriculum Planning & Development Department
Page 9 of 1
Textbook pages 84-85 Ex 3C Qs 4c-e & 5.
Title : "Statistical Analysis Of The Data using Venn
You are given a table showing list of favorite cousines of three siblin
mother in finding a common ground using statistical analysis of the
named Ali, Sana and Zahid. You are given the following task aid​


Answered by ashokyadav1715


models are estimated for survival, ADL functional status, incontinence status, and mental status outcomes from longitudinal residence histories of Medicaid residents spanning 3 to 36 months in length. Outcomes are specified to be a function of resident demographic and diagnostic attributes and facility-level operating and nurse staffing attributes. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The estimated parameters for resident demographic and diagnostic attributes showed a great deal of construct validity with respect to clinical expectations regarding risk factors for adverse outcomes. Few facility attributes were associated with outcomes generally, and none was significantly associated with all four outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: The absence of uniform associations between facility attributes and the various long-term care health outcomes studied suggests that strong facility performance on one health outcome may coexist with much weaker performance on other outcomes. This has implications for the aggregation of individual facility performance measures on multiple outcomes and the development of overall outcome performance measures. PMID:9776939

Home | Simulation Research Websites

Group specializes in the research, development and deployment of software that support the design and controls design, the Spawn of EnergyPlus next-generation simulation engine, for building and control energy systems tools for OpenBuildingControl to support control design, deployment and verification of building

Initial home health outcomes under prospective payment.


Schlenker, Robert E; Powell, Martha C; Goodrich, Glenn K


To assess initial changes in home health patient outcomes under Medicare's home health Prospective Payment System (PPS), implemented by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in October 2000. Pre-PPS and early PPS data were obtained from CMS Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) and Medicare claims files. Regression analysis was applied to national random samples (n=164,810) to estimate pre-PPS/PPS outcome and visit-per-episode changes. Outcome episodes were constructed from OASIS data and linked with Medicare claims data on visits. Outcome changes (risk adjusted) were mixed and generally modest. Favorable changes included higher improvement rates under PPS for functioning and dyspnea, higher community discharge rates, and lower hospitalization and emergent care rates. Most stabilization (nonworsening) outcome rates also increased. However, improvement rates were lower under PPS for wounds, incontinence, and cognitive and emotional/behavioral outcomes. Total visits per episode (case-mix adjusted) declined 16.6 percent although therapy visits increased by 8.4 percent. The outcome and visit results suggest improved system efficiency under PPS (fewer visits, similar outcomes). However, declines in several improvement rates merit ongoing monitoring, as do subsequent (posthome health) hospitalization and emergent care use. Since only the early PPS period was examined, longer-term analyses are needed.

Home Economics Education, Research Summary.

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

California State Dept. of Education, Sacramento. Research Coordinating Unit.

Annotations on selected home economics research studies published since 1963 are presented. Program development studies summarize data on such topics as teacher and supervisor involvement in curriculum planning, comparison of instructional methods, curriculum evaluation, preparation for gainful employment, family finance, and attitudes toward the…

Home Economics Research in Canada.

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Canadian Home Economics Journal, 1998


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