द फायर कोडेबिंद यूट्यूब
Avg Income for 9 months would be Rs. 4866.66 = Rs 4867/-
Avg expenditure for 1st 3 months: Rs 2750 i.e total would be, 2750*3 = 8250
Avg expenditure for next 3 months: Rs 3150 i.e total would be, 3150*3 = 9450
Avg expenditure for last 3 months: Rs 6750 i.e total would be, 6750*3 = 20250
It means, total expenditure for 9 months is 8250+9450+20250 = 37950
Additionally, Avg saving for 9 months is Rs 650, so total saving would be 650*9 = 5850.
It means total income before expenditures are 37950+5850 = 43800 and if we average out it for 9 months, it would be 43800/9 = 4866.66 i.e 4867/-
I hope, I was able to answer it correctly.
Avg Income for 9 months would be Rs. 4866.66 = Rs 4867/-
Avg expenditure for 1st 3 months: Rs 2750 i.e total would be, 2750*3 = 8250
Avg expenditure for next 3 months: Rs 3150 i.e total would be, 3150*3 = 9450
Avg expenditure for last 3 months: Rs 6750 i.e total would be, 6750*3 = 20250
It means, total expenditure for 9 months is 8250+9450+20250 = 37950
Additionally, Avg saving for 9 months is Rs 650, so total saving would be 650*9 = 5850.
It means total income before expenditures are 37950+5850 = 43800 and if we average out it for 9 months, it would be 43800/9 = 4866.66 i.e 4867/-