दिखाईए योज्य द्विधारी सक्रिया के साथ सभी पूर्णांको का समुच्चय I अनंत अबोली समूह होता है
The set of integers forms an abelian group under addition
The set of integers is denoted by Z
Closure property :
Let a , b ∈ Z
Then sum of two integer is also an integer
Thus a + b ∈ Z
Associative property :
Let a , b , c ∈ Z
Then a + ( b + c ) = ( a + b ) + c
Thus associative property holds
Existence of identity element :
Let a ∈ Z
Then a + 0 = 0 + a = a
So 0 is the additive identity
Existence of inverse :
Let a ∈ Z
Then - a ∈ Z such that
a + ( - a ) = ( - a ) + a = 0
So - a is the additive inverse of a
Hence ( Z , + ) is a group
Abelian property :
Let a , b ∈ Z
Then a + b = b + a
Thus abelian property holds
Hence ( Z , + ) is an abelian group
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