Hindi, asked by sainimanvi746, 1 month ago

दिलवाला शब्दापासून वाक्य बनवा fuga​


Answered by vikasagrawalhuf2707


I am sorry. I am not able to understand your question.


Please write question in a way by which any person can understand it.This only for you. May any person can do a comment on this and a peron who wants to answer can't understand the question and perhaps somebody report. Sorry if you felt bad, but I don't meant it. I was just informing you .

So, from next time write it in a correct way.Okay.

But I can tell you that in the Brainly app, while answering how to make the text bold, italic, huge, or underlined.

  1. Click or tap on answer tab on the bottom of the screen.
  2. Click or tap on 'answer' option on a question whose answer you know and want to answer it. This option is provided next to the questions.
  3. Then, when you will tap on the screen to write, just above the keyboard will be some options like- 'B' A slanting 'I', a 'U' (underlined) and some more options. If not provided, then click on the cross button just above the keyboard, which will in the most left side.
  4. Then the options will appear.And to hide them again click on the same option but this time it will be plus.
  5. You can click 'B' And then type your text than your text will be get bold.
  6. To off this option, Click again on 'B'.
  7. You can click, Slanting 'I' to write in Italics or make your writing Slanting. Like bold after taping on it again (I) This option will get off.
  8. You can underline you text by doing the same with Option 'U' (underlined).

9. At once you can use more the one options and apply them to your text.

May this will help you in some way..

I am sorry very much if felt bad and also 'cause I didn't gave answer of your question.Or to your actual question..

But I have good wishes for you in this time of covid-19 , Stay Home..Stay Safe..

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