द शेअर ऑफ सेक्टर इं इंडिया ग्रॉस दोमेस्तिक प्रॉटडक्ट इस इंक्रीस कॉन्स्टिट्यूशन
द शेअर ऑफ सेक्टर इं इंडिया ग्रॉस दोमेस्तिक प्रॉटडक्ट इस इंक्रीस कॉन्स्टिट्यूशन
The services sector is the largest sector of India. Gross Value Added (GVA) at current prices for the services sector is estimated at 96.54 lakh crore INR in 2020-21. The services sector accounts for 53.89% of total India's GVA of 179.15 lakh crore Indian rupees. With GVA of Rs. 46.44 lakh crore, the Industry sector contributes 25.92%. While Agriculture and allied sector share 20.19%.
At 2011-12 prices, the Agriculture & allied, Industry, and Services sector's composition is 16.38%, 29.34%, and 54.27%, respectively.
Share of primary (comprising agriculture, forestry, fishing, and mining & quarrying), secondary (comprising manufacturing, electricity, gas, water supply & other utility services, and construction), and tertiary (services) sectors have been estimated as 21.82 percent, 24.29 percent, and 53.89 percent.
At previous methodology, the composition of Agriculture & allied, Industry, and Services sector was 51.81%, 14.16%, and 33.25%, respectively at current prices in 1950-51. Share of Agriculture & allied sector has declined at 18.20% in 2013-14. Share of Services sector has improved to 57.03%. Share of Industry sector has also increased to 24.77%.
please mark me as brainliest