देश की लगातार बढ़ती जनसंख्या की रफ़्तार पर अपने और अपनेमित्र के बीच हुए संवाद कोलिखिए I
when the population will increase the pollution will also increase pollution there are many problem of pollution is one of them it is really very dangerous for the mankind it is the gift of modern development and progress the harmful effect of pollution can harm our next generation if we do not try to solve this problem there are different kinds of pollution air pollution water pollution and sound pollution are some of them the greed of man for getting more and more money is the cause of pollution in number of industries have been set up in every region of the Baso unlimited industry growth can make in cows of the air and water pollution the waste materials of factory Adam on the Earth on the rivers so the water of the river is polluted the waste material on the earth produce different poisonous gases which pollute the air There are several causes of pollution trees have been cut down on a large scale and new cities and interested has been accepted in their places so air is polluted there is smoke from houses and factory and motor cars which pollute the air if air is polluted we cannot lead a healthy life people who break this year are in danger of suffering from the server is water is also an essential requirement format people path in the river they also was their clothes in the river that pollute the water of river it is harmful to bath in the headquarter of scared river it is harmful to drink than the water polluted air is harmful than the polluted water we can avoid using polluted water but no one can escape from polluted air this to palus turns the pollution of air and the pollution of water are the main cause of disease beside water and air pollution we also face the problem of sound pollution vehicle produce sound all time they are the cause of mental and tension disaster that we can say that the problem of pollution had been become very serious in recent time the different activity of man that caused different kinds of pollution it is also good from the government is doing to something to improve the present situation
Hey mate here is your answer,....
भारत सरकार को जल्द ही सख्त कानून बनाना चाहिए। समय रहते जनसंख्या विस्फोट को रोका नहीं गया तो आने वाली पीढियां खाद्यान्न, जल सहित कई प्राथमिक संसाधनों और रोजगार के लिए तरसेगी। खतरा इस बात का भी है कि अभी ही देश में बहुत ज्यादा गरीबी और बेरोजगारी है। मुझे इस बात का इंतजार है कि भारत भी चीन की तरह ही जल्द ही एक बच्चा नीति को कानून के रूप में लागू करेगा।
देश में 'वन कपल वन चाइल्ड पॉलिसी' को सख्ती से लागू करना चाहिए। यदि उन्हें दो लड़कियां हैं तो उन्हें लड़के की इच्छा के लिए किसी अनाथ लड़के को गोद लेने का कानून पास करना चाहिए।
अगर जल्द ही इस देश में जनसंख्या नियंत्रण के लिए कानून नहीं बनाया गया तो इस देश के लिए बढ़ती जनसंख्या विनाश का कारण बन सकती है। अफसोस की बात तो यह है कि इस कानून को भी धार्मिक मुद्दा बना कर हंगामा किया जाएगा।
hope it's helpful for you