Science, asked by keshavshelke2506, 9 months ago

द टेंपरेचर ऑफ वॉटर कैन वी मेजर विद द हेल्प ऑफ​


Answered by guhanashish


Climate change is likely causing parts of the water cycle to speed up as warming global temperatures increase the rate of evaporation worldwide. More evaporation is causing more precipitation, on average. We are already seeing impacts of higher evaporation and precipitation rates, and the impacts are expected to increase over this century as climate warms.

Higher evaporation and precipitation rates are not evenly distributed around the world. Some areas may experience heavier than normal precipitation, and other areas may become prone to droughts, as the traditional locations of rain belts and deserts shift in response to a changing climate. Some climate models predict that coastal regions will become wetter and the middle of continents will become drier. Also, some models forecast more evaporation and rainfall over oceans, but not necessarily over land.

Warmer temperatures associated with climate change and increased carbon dioxide levels may speed plant growth in regions with ample moisture and nutrients. This could lead to increased transpiration, the release of water vapor into the air by plants as a result of photosynthesis.

Mudcracks form during droughts when the ground dries out and moisture evaporates.

Credit: NOAA

Changing climate means changing weather.

Climate warming is causing changes to weather in different regions of the world. In particular, it is causing more extreme weather events than we have seen in the past. These extreme weather events can have impacts on human health, limiting access to clean drinking water, food, and shelter and taxing people’s ability to cope with heat, drought or flood.

   More rain and flooding: With more evaporation, there is more water in the air so storms can produce more intense rainfall events in some areas. This can cause flooding – a risk to the environment and human health.  

   More extreme drought: Warmer temperatures cause more evaporation, turning water into vapor in the air, and causing drought in some areas of the world. Places prone to drought are expected to become even drier over the next century. This is bad news for farmers who can expect fewer crops in these conditions.

   Stronger hurricanes: Warmer ocean surface waters can intensify hurricanes and tropical storms, leading to more hazardous conditions as these storms make landfall. Scientists continue to research how climate change affects the number of these storms, but we know that the storms will be powerful and destructive in the future.

   Heat waves: It is likely that heat waves have become more common in more areas of the world.

Clouds affect the climate and climate affects the clouds.

Currently, the combined effect of all clouds is one of net cooling, meaning that clouds are dampening the rate of climate warming. But scientists are looking into whether clouds will have the same effect on climate as the Earth continues to warm. If the proportion of different cloud types changes, it could affect the rate of climate change because different types of clouds have different impacts on the Earth's climate. While some types of clouds help to warm the Earth, others help to cool it (as described below). This is an area of ongoing research.

   Learn more: Clouds, Precipitation, and Climate Change

Worldwide, sea level is rising because of climate change.

Today, sea level is 10- 20 cm (4-8 in) higher than it was a century ago because of climate change. Over the 21st Century, sea level is expected to rise 30 cm (12 in) if the amount of climate change is minimized. Sea level will rise up to one meter (about three feet) if climate change is not controlled.

Global sea level rise since 1990 as measured from satellites

Credit: NASA

There are two ways that our warming climate is causing sea level rise.

First, water from melting glaciers and ice sheets flows down rivers and is added to the ocean. Over the past 100 years mountain glaciers, Arctic glaciers, and Greenland’s ice have decreased dramatically in size. With less ice trapped on land in glaciers and ice sheets, there is more water in the ocean, and sea level is higher. Melting ice that is already in the ocean, like sea ice, does not cause sea level rise.

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