दीवानी से आप ज्या समाते ।
Define a class numeral, described as below:
Data members:
num (int)
Member methods:
i) Numberal () - constructor to initialize member data to null .
ii) Accept () - to accept a value for the member data from the user.
iii) int Summation - to calculate and return the value of summation of num where –
(summation of num ) = 1+2+3…..+ num.
iv) int sumDigit () - to calculate and return the sum of the digits num.
Define a class numeral, described as below:
Data members:
num (int)
Member methods:
i) Numberal () - constructor to initialize member data to null .
ii) Accept () - to accept a value for the member data from the user.
iii) int Summation - to calculate and return the value of summation of num where –
(summation of num ) = 1+2+3…..+ num.
iv) int sumDigit () - to calculate and return the sum of the digits num.