Chemistry, asked by ck9164082, 3 months ago

दिये गये अज्ञात अकार्बनिक लवण में ऋणायन मूलक का आर्द्र परीक्षण द्वारा पहचान करें।
Identify the anion radical in the given inorganic salt by wet test.
अथवा /OR
स्टार्च एवं फेरिक हाइड्रॉक्साइड का कोलाइडल घोल का निर्माण अलग-अलग करें।
Prepare colloidal solution of startch and ferric hydroxide separately.
अथवा /OR
दिये गये लवण से धनायन की पहचान आर्द्र परीक्षण द्वारा करें।
Identify the cation in the given salt by wet test.
दिये गये कार्बनिक यौगिक में क्रियाशील समूह की जाँच करें।
Identify the functional group in the given organic compound.
अथवा /OR
दिये गये कार्बनिक यौगिक में नाइट्रोजन परमाणु की उपस्थिति की जाँच करें।
on organic compou​


Answered by sohankumar64454

diye Gaye agyat academic Lage 99 ek Thana malya ki counter at parikshan kedarpur Karen

Answered by rahul123437

Cationic radicals of inorganic salts are identified with the help of Dry and wet tests of the salts.


Identification of cationic radical by WET Test

The test involves the following steps:-

  • A Clear and transparent solution is prepared using salt. This solution is known as the original solution.

Preparation of original solution

  • A little amount of salt is used in a clean boiling tube and a few drops of distilled water is added and then it is shaken.  If the salt is not dissolved it is allowed to heat so that the salt gets dissolved.
  • If the salt is insoluble in water then we take fresh salt in a clean tube and add a few drops of the salt do not dissolve in cold heat the solution till the salt is completely dissolved.
  • If the salt does not dissolve in water, dil HCl, and even on heating it is further added with conc HCl and then heated.
  • If the salt does not dissolve in Conc HCl then we dissolve the salt in dilute nitric acid.
  • If the salt does not dissolve in dilute nitric acid then a mixture of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid is added in the ratio of 1:3.
  • This mixture of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid in the ratio of 1:3   is called aquaregia.
  • Salt which does not dissolve in aquaregia is termed an insoluble salt.
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