English, asked by katiyar41, 1 month ago

that 9 had broken my gath.
4. Explain: a. poor pennyworth in the English b. I think he bought his
behaviour every where​


Answered by Madankumar808103

Qs 1. Read the passage below to answer the following questions.


Fried doughnut has been made all around the world. Dutch settlers who brought apple and cream pies, cookies and cobbler to the New World also introduced doughnuts. Their doughnuts were called olykoeks, or oily cakes – sweet dough balls fried in pork fat. Early doughnuts were often filled with apples, prunes or raisins. The name “doughnut” may refer to the nuts put in the middle of the dough ball to prevent an uncooked center or possibly to “dough knots” – another popular shape for the olykoeks. Today, “doughnut” and “donut” are used interchangeably.

There are three stories about why doughnuts have holes in the center. In 1847, Elizabeth Gregory was known for making a very fine olykoek with a hint of nutmeg and a filling of hazelnuts or walnuts. Her son, Hanson Crockett Gregory was a 16 year-old sailor who invented the doughnut hole.

One story says that on June 22, 1847, Captain Gregory’s ship hit a sudden storm. He impaled the doughnut on a spoke on the steering wheel to keep his hands free. The spoke drove a hole through the raw center of the doughnut. Captain Gregory liked the doughnuts better that way, and the doughnut hole was born.

In the second story, he didn't like nuts, so he poked them out and ordered the ship's cook to remove the centers from doughnuts.

The third version comes from an interview with Captain Gregory in the Washington Post. Gregory didn't like the greasiness of doughnuts twisted into various shapes, or the raw center of regular doughnuts. He suddenly had the idea to punch a hole with the ship's tin pepper box. When he got home, he taught this new doughnut trick to his mother.

Making a hole increased the surface area exposed to the hot oil and eliminated the uncooked center.

Here's part of the interview with 85 year-old Captain Gregory:

"Now in them days we used to cut the doughnuts into diamond shapes, and also into long strips, bent in half, and then twisted. I don't think we called them doughnuts then--they was just 'fried cakes' and 'twisters.'

"Well, sir, they used to fry all right around the edges, but when you had the edges done the insides was all raw dough. And the twisters used to sop up all the grease just where they bent, and they were tough on the digestion."

"Well, I says to myself, 'Why wouldn't a space inside solve the difficulty?' I thought at first I'd take one of the strips and roll it around, and then I got an inspiration, a great inspiration. I took the cover off the ship's tin pepper box, and--I cut into the middle of that doughnut the first hole ever seen by mortal eyes!"

“Well, sir, them doughnuts was the finest I ever tasted. No more indigestion--no more greasy sinkers--but just well-done, fried-through doughnuts.”

1. What did the Dutch Settlers call their doughnuts? (1)

2. What were the early doughnuts filled with? (1)

3. Give reasons why Captain Gregory wanted to have a hole in the doughnut? (3)

4. Explain the meaning in context of the word "introduced" as used in the following sentence?

“Fried dough has been made all around the world. Dutch settlers who brought apple and cream pies, cookies and cobbler to the New World also introduced doughnuts.” (2)

5. What do you think the writer means by the phrase ‘mortal eyes’ in the following line:

I took the cover off the ship's tin pepper box, and--I cut into the middle of that doughnut the first hole ever seen by mortal eyes!" (2)

6. Explain why doughnuts were originally made with nuts in the center? (3)

7. Why do you think the Washington Post interviewed Captain Gregory? (3)

8. What were the nicknames for doughnuts as described by Captain Gregory? (1)

9. Suggest a title for this passage? (1)

10. If you had to redesign the doughnuts which shape would you make? Give TWO reasons for

your choice. (3)

11. Write down the summary of the passage in 120 words. /5

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