English, asked by shipra1610, 9 months ago

That night there was a hue and cry in the house. What night was that? Why was there an uproar?


Answered by gamerlukasyt100


The night Kezia finished making the pin-cushion for her father, there was an uproar in the house. Father could not find his great speech for the Port Authority. Rooms were searched; servants questioned. Finally Mother came into Kezia’s room and, on questioning her, found out Kezia had mistakenly tom the papers and stuffed them in the pin-cushion that was to be a surprise gift for her father on his birthday. The hue and cry at night was for those missing paperspaperspaperspaperspapers


Answered by aroranishant799


The following answer should be :


Kezia's grandma once instructed her to make her father a pin cushion as a birthday present. She was close to finishing it, but she ran out of things to fill it with. A few sheets of paper were on the bedside table when she was looking for the right material for the job. She took them, tore them into pieces, filled the cushion, and concluded her task. The missing papers on which the father had written the speech caused a commotion in the home that evening. Her parents looked through every single newspaper. They eventually learned that Kezia had torn the papers and used them as a pin cushion. In actuality, her father placed a high value on the documents. As a result, her father was furious and hit her.


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