English, asked by hembromprosanto91, 1 month ago

that yo give a substance of the following passage man generally desises fos desises fos a long life. He thinks that a Long life is a blessing, whereas a shost life is a eusse. Ha man dies is not a wise approach to life. We should judge life in young, we generally pity him. But it Terms of deeds and not yeass. The worth of life is mea- Sured by the noble deeds that a man does during his - time and not by the number of years he lives. It has lived long, but has done nothing for others, his life is not suecessful. He may live a borse and vile life which is devoid of good and noble deeds. His life is quite meaningless to zesa The lily of aday is fairer fas in may than the oak tree that his stored for three hundred years to fall a long et lest. Mese, dougëtivity - a long inrings of life is not and should not be the goal of life. The worth of life lies in the performance of noble and good deeds. The history of the world is fill of persons who did a lot of good deeds during their shost life,​


Answered by tisthadeb7


I .that yo give a substance of the following passage man generally desises fos desises fos a long life. He thinks that a Long life is a blessing, whereas a shost life is a eusse. Ha man dies is not a wise approach to life. We should judge life in young, we generally pity him. But it Terms of deeds and not yeass. The worth of life is mea- Sured by the noble deeds that a man does during his - time and not by the number of years he lives. It has lived long, but has done nothing for others, his life is not suecessful. He may live a borse and vile life which is devoid of good and noble deeds. His life is quite meaningless to zesa The lily of aday is fairer fas in may than the oak tree that his stored for three hundred years to fall a long et lest. Mese, dougëtivity - a long inrings of life is not and should not be the goal of life. The worth of life lies in the performance of noble and good deeds. The history of the world is fill of persons who did a lot of good deeds during their shost life,

Answered by sharmaranju734
  • The life of a person is not determined by how long he had lived but the amount of good deeds he has done. If we do nothing for others our life is meaningless because a person is known by his good and noble deeds . A selfish man will be forgotten right after his death wheres a selfless man who had done good for others will always be remembered even after his death.
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