Geography, asked by poojamundel325, 3 months ago

A. Short answer questions:
1. What are 'Parallels of latitude'?
2. What are 'Longitudes?
3. What do you mean by 'Heat Zones of the Earth'?
4. What is Prime Meridian?
5. What is the difference in time between the Indian Standard Time and the Greenwich Mean Time?
IST is ahead of GMT by 5-30 hours
B. Long answer questions:
1. Write a note on latitude and longitude.
2. How is longitude of place determined?
3. How can you mark the position of a place on a piece of paper or a plane surface?
4. Differentiate between local time and standard time.
5. Explain the relation between longitude and time.
C. Fill in the blanks :
1. Equator is the line which divides the Earth into two equal parts.
2. The TorroidTronico zone receives direct rays of the Sun throughout the year.
3. All letifade are of equal length.
4. The time on the
meridian is the time adopted by the entire world.
5. Temperate zone lies between
State frierface​


Answered by janhvik7900


soory i don't know but I will try

Answered by godseapoorva


shhdvhsfgnjfdcbjfz vgfscvgtdsscbhd

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