The agricultural activity about moong seeds ?
moong seeds have rhizobium bacteria
crop needs a well-distributed rainfall. Heavy rains at flowering are harmful, even moist winds at this stage interfere with fertilization.
SoilThis pulse does best on deep, well-drained loams in the alluvial tract in the north as well as on the red and black soils of peninsular and southern India. It is also cultivated on light or shallow stony soils to clayey soils.
'T 1, 'T 44', 'Pusa Baisakhi', 'PS 7', 'PS 16,' 'S 8','S 9', 'Varsha (H70-16)' Hissar, ' G 65', ' Jawahar 45',' Kopergaon', ' ML 1','Ml 5',' ML 9'
For the pure crop in the kharif season, the land is ploughed once or twice and harrowed to obtain a rough tilth. The summer crop can be sown dry in furrows in between the rows of the previous crop, followed by irrigation.
The kharif crop is sown in June to July, and the rabi crop in September or October. The spring crop is to be sown by 15 February and harvested by the middle of May. The summer crop is sown by 15 April. The seed may be sown by broadcasting or it may be drilled in furrows behind a plough, or with a three-or four-coultered desi drill, in rows 20-30cm apart. The seed-rate varies from 15-20kg per hectare when sown alone and for mixed crop 2-6kg per hectare.