The anomalies, 'a perfect child' or 'a perfect parent' do not really exist. Explain the relationship between kezia and her father citing examples to the statement.
Ans: The relationship between Kezia and her father was a delicate one. He was a conventional disciplinarian and as the head of the family, he asserted his authority over everyone, including his little girl. He often scolded her for her sad looks and for stuttering. She was made to take off his shoes and put them outside when he re turned home from the office in the evening. He even punished her when she mistakenly tore his important papers. He did not give her even one chance to explain herself and failed to see her loving intention behind the mistake. As a con sequence of her father's overly strict behaviour, Kezia developed a strong fear for him. She pre ferred to stay out of his sight and was relaxed only during his absence from the house. She compared him to be a giant - a dreadful creature for little children. After being beaten by him with a ruler, she even questioned the purpose of God in making fathers.
However, this dry relationship undergoes a drastic change towards the end of the story. Father displays his soft corner when Kezia is alone and gets scared by her nightmare. He car ries her in his arms to his room, tucks her com fortably in his bed, lies down close to her and gives her the assurance that children seek from parents. This protective, caring and considerate side of her father arouses her sympathy for him. She realises that he has a big heart which is full of love for her.