the appereance option in the prefernce menu has four tabs
The settings of the Appearance Preferences menu are used to adjust the look and layout of views in the Studio. The Appearance Preferences settings are included in the General Preferences block.The default values for the options listed in the table below correspond to the values selected in the picture above.
Current presentation
Specifies the currently active look-and-feel of the Studio
Override presentation settings
This option is used to locally override the default settings of the Studio
Editor tab positions
This option positions the tabs of the built-in editors (either at the top or at the bottom)
View tab positions
This option positions the tabs of the views (either at the top or at the bottom)
Perspective switcher positions
This option positions the perspective switcher bar relative to the Studio layout
Show text on perspective bar
This option turns on and off the text with the name of the perspective on the perspective bar
Current theme
This option specifies the currently used font and color set.
Show traditional style tabs
Select to display square tabs instead of rounded ones
The Appearance Preferences option has two sub-options which can be viewed if the plus button next to it is pressed. These are the Colors and Fonts page and the Label decorations page.