Math, asked by madhabiduyts74, 9 months ago

The area of a trapezium is 660cm2. Length of one parralel side is 28 cm .if height is 30cm find the length of the other parallel side


Answered by yogesh285526



Step-by-step explanation:


Answered by anandkumar57

Step-by-step explanation:

Step-by-step explanation:We know that the area of a trapezium

Step-by-step explanation:We know that the area of a trapezium ½×(sum of parallel sides)×height

Step-by-step explanation:We know that the area of a trapezium ½×(sum of parallel sides)×heightthen,

Step-by-step explanation:We know that the area of a trapezium ½×(sum of parallel sides)×heightthen,height = 30cm

Step-by-step explanation:We know that the area of a trapezium ½×(sum of parallel sides)×heightthen,height = 30cmarea = 660cm²

Step-by-step explanation:We know that the area of a trapezium ½×(sum of parallel sides)×heightthen,height = 30cmarea = 660cm²one side = 28cm

Step-by-step explanation:We know that the area of a trapezium ½×(sum of parallel sides)×heightthen,height = 30cmarea = 660cm²one side = 28cmlet another side = x

Step-by-step explanation:We know that the area of a trapezium ½×(sum of parallel sides)×heightthen,height = 30cmarea = 660cm²one side = 28cmlet another side = xthen.

Step-by-step explanation:We know that the area of a trapezium ½×(sum of parallel sides)×heightthen,height = 30cmarea = 660cm²one side = 28cmlet another side = xthen.½×(28+x)×30 = 660

Step-by-step explanation:We know that the area of a trapezium ½×(sum of parallel sides)×heightthen,height = 30cmarea = 660cm²one side = 28cmlet another side = xthen.½×(28+x)×30 = 660=> 14+x/2 = 22

Step-by-step explanation:We know that the area of a trapezium ½×(sum of parallel sides)×heightthen,height = 30cmarea = 660cm²one side = 28cmlet another side = xthen.½×(28+x)×30 = 660=> 14+x/2 = 22=>x/2 = 22-14

Step-by-step explanation:We know that the area of a trapezium ½×(sum of parallel sides)×heightthen,height = 30cmarea = 660cm²one side = 28cmlet another side = xthen.½×(28+x)×30 = 660=> 14+x/2 = 22=>x/2 = 22-14=>x = 8×2

Step-by-step explanation:We know that the area of a trapezium ½×(sum of parallel sides)×heightthen,height = 30cmarea = 660cm²one side = 28cmlet another side = xthen.½×(28+x)×30 = 660=> 14+x/2 = 22=>x/2 = 22-14=>x = 8×2=>x = 16

Step-by-step explanation:We know that the area of a trapezium ½×(sum of parallel sides)×heightthen,height = 30cmarea = 660cm²one side = 28cmlet another side = xthen.½×(28+x)×30 = 660=> 14+x/2 = 22=>x/2 = 22-14=>x = 8×2=>x = 16Then the length of another parallel side of trapezium is 16cm.

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