The ascent of sap is aided by the following process. *
A primary difference between plants and animals is the plant’s ability to manufacture its own food. In photosynthesis carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil react with the sun’s energy to form carbohydrates (sugars and starches). Photosynthesis literally means to put together with light
In respiration, plants (and animals) convert the sugars back into energy for growth and to energize life processes (metabolic processes). The chemical equation for respiration shows that the sugars from photosynthesis are combined with oxygen. Notice that the equation for respiration is the opposite of photosynthesis.
Water in the roots is pulled through the plant by transpiration (loss of water vapor through the stomata of the leaves). Transpiration uses about 90 percent of the water that enters the plant. The other 10 percent is an ingredient of photosynthesis and cell growth.
Starting from the roots to aerial parts of the plant the upward transport of water is called ascent of sap. In the plants the process occurs through xylem tissue. The water absorbed by hairs passes through the cortex, passage cells and pericycle enter the tracheary elements of xylem.