The Asiatic lion, once found across a vast area, is today crammed into a small scrubby forest of Gir in the south of Gujarat. Today, violence towards nature has caused retreat of forests, endangered species and also various sufferings to the mankind. Clearly the ideals of reverence for life have been renounced in favour of a materialistic way of life that justifies the destruction of nature and man both.
• What values should be adopted in life for preservation of plant and animal diversity?
• How far do you agree/disagree with those who justify destruction of nature and man both?
Answered by
For the preservation of plants and animals,
it is required to spread awareness among
the people. By conserving the diversity,
we are helping to make secure for future
plants and animal to thrive in wildlife. The
killing of animals should avoid. Deforestation
and clearing land for cultivation must be
controlled. More plants should be planted for
the environment as well as for the animals.
I disagree with people who justify
destruction of nature and man made thing
Things are put on this earth for a reason
in nature and they need not be destroyed.
They always carry a purpose. When
someone destroys something that is man
made it makes me mad because someone
put a lot of time, effort and money into it for
someone just to destroy it.
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