Social Sciences, asked by kbotterud, 1 year ago

The atmosphere interacts with the hydrosphere in the (1 point) water cycle roots of plants phosphorus cycle underwater volcanoes


Answered by ankitrishab
Like carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen, phosphorus is a limiting nutrient for all forms of life, which means that the potential for an organism’s growth is limited by the availability of this vital nutrient. It forms part of the structure of DNA and RNA, is needed for energy transport in cells, provides structure to cellular membranes, and assists in giving bones and teeth their rigidity. In short, without phosphorus, we simply could not exist. And yet, for something so crucial, it is one of the most difficult elements for living things to access in nature.

Prior to the 1800s, very little was known about phosphorus or how it moved through the environment. Early chemists like Robert Boyle knew that the element was highly flammable and would phosphoresce, or glow, when exposed to oxygen. In fact, in 1680 Boyle took advantage of this flammability and developed the first matchstick by using phosphorus to ignite wooden sticks dipped in sulfur. But, like other elements, phosphorus’ contribution to the growth and health of organismsremained a mystery.

Answered by bratislava

The atmosphere interacts all sphere of life and forms various processes.


  • The air interacts with the land and water sphere, it also interacts with the living plants and other underground cycles. The atmosphere below 100 meters is tropopause and responsible for most of the interactions taking place in the hydrosphere.
  • The movement of water from the water bodies by the process of evaporation and formation of clods on condensation which later on results in precipitation on land in the form of rain, hail, and snow.  
  • This leads to the process of evapotranspiration that results in the removal of water from the leaves the roots and leaves of vegetation.
  • The phosphorus cycle is the biogeochemical cycle that starts from plants. The atmospheric circulation creates large-scale changes in underwater related to the nutrient cycles etc.

Learn more more the atmosphere interacts with the hydrosphere in the water cycle roots of plants phosphorus cycle underwater volcanoes.

  • answered by ankitrishab.
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