English, asked by kanuthakur28, 1 month ago

The baby is playing with a ball.(change into interrogative sentence)​


Answered by kkashu640gmailcom


Is the baby playing with a ball.

CɛƖɛxtríα: The answer must be ended with a question mark (?) in Interrogative form.
Answered by CɛƖɛxtríα


  • The baby is playing with a ball.


  • We've to change the given sentence to Interrogative sentence.

{\underline{\underline{\bf{Required\: answer:}}}}

  • \underline{\sf{\red{Is\:the\:baby\: playing\:with\:a\:ball?}}}


  1. Generally, we form Interrogative sentences from declarative sentences by transposing the verb before the subject. And here, we've also done the same.
  2. First let's identify the subject. The subject is "the baby".
  3. Next, identifying the verb. In the given sentence, there are two verbs. Auxiliary verb - "is" and main verb - "playing".
  4. The auxiliary verb is transposed to the place before the subject (Is the baby).
  5. Then, joining the remaining parts along with the main verb and a question mark (?) gives us the required answer - (Is the baby playing with a ball?).



‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎TYPES OF SENTENCES

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎In English Grammar, generally sentences are of four types. They are:

  • Assertive sentences
  • Imperative sentences
  • Interrogative sentences
  • Exclamatory sentences

Additionally, a fifth type of sentence, called "Optative sentences". Now, let's know what are they !!

1) Assertive sentence declares something (positive/negative) or makes a statement. It is also called as declarative sentence.

  • We live in hostel.
  • I can't do this.

2) Imperative sentences makes a command or an order or a request.

  • Don't forget to bring you notes tomorrow.
  • Please lend me your notes.

3) Interrogative sentences are questioning sentences. It always ends with a question mark (?).

  • Where do you live?
  • Is it her?

4) Exclamatory sentence expresses emotion or feeling of the speaker. Exclamation point should be used in this kind of sentence.

  • How beautiful the neck piece is!
  • Bravo! You have done a good job.

5) Optative sentences makes a wish, prayer, curse or blessings.

  • May you stay healthy and strong forever.
  • Let the world be filled with love and compassion.


kanuthakur28: thanku
CɛƖɛxtríα: You're welcome..! :)
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