The basic human goal after survival is...
I simply love questions like this - being a science teacher (including biology etc) this is one of the things that is absolutely fascinating for me. Why on earth are the human race so obsessed about surviving - and by surviving I gather you mean not “only” the entire race but also as individuals?
Not a day go by without us being faces with new “miracle cures” or new knowledge about what to eat and drink or all in all how to live so that we will grow to be far more than 100 years old.
As a whole - and this is very well explained too in another answer here - obviously it is (for us as a race) something internal in us due to evolution. We are “pre-programmed” to make sure to survive. Not just humans, this goes for all biological “constellations” . If this was not in the genes the world would either soon “run out of life” or more likely the species would become extinct and replaced with new species in a very high rate.
As for humans there seem to be - at least for very many - yet another force that drives us (or “them” since I myself dont have it..) This is religion. Most religions have some kind of “heaven” or place where dead “go to be” or afterlife or what ever you would like to address it. And for most religions although this afterlife place seems to be worth longing for at the same time you have to prove yourself to get to go there. You honor your God by honoring the life you have gotten, while you at the same time long to go join your God. Some animal species have been found to have rituals of different kinds, but so far no religious tone has been observed. Animals can grieve but does not seem to have a thought of an afterlife. This is solely for humans as far as we know.
Another reason for trying to prolong life at least as an individual can be fear of old age and death. This is especially seen in “developed” civilizations where youth is being praised. The process of death, the “doing the dying” and perhaps even the risk of being forgotten. All this can seem very scary for people and they will strive to prolong life.
One love!
happiness ans in value education