The basis of the Awakened Citizen Program is the capacity to believe in
ourselves and say ‘I Can’. The faith in ourselves helps us to discover the
infinite strength & power within us. Write a paragraph discussing some of the
ways in which you told yourself ‘I can’ in recent times. Do not exceed 500
words [fast for branliest]
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जागृत नागरिक कार्यक्रम का आधार विश्वास करने की क्षमता है
खुद और ‘आई कैन’ कह सकते हैं। अपने आप में विश्वास हमें खोजने में मदद करता है
अनंत शक्ति और शक्ति हमारे भीतर है। एक पैराग्राफ लिखिए
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This key message of the program is that each individual has infinite strength, infinite potential, and infinite goodness. This power and strength can be felt, every time we say “I CAN”. The faith in this strength is called Atmashradha and is the basis to awakening several human possibilities that are open to us. For the purpose of the program the possibilities are broadly classified into two categories- Universal Possibilities (six possibilities open to all of us) and Unique Possibilities (based on our talents, interests, environment and self-effort) which are further classified into physical (six) and knowledge (six) possibilities. Awakening the unique possibilities makes us significant contributors in our chosen field.
The program is designed in a discussion oriented manner where the students analyze various explorations, real life situations and role models. The students think about, discuss and discover the consequences of various choices and hence get armed with a decision making framework for life. The program does not impose any dos and don’ts, but enables the children to develop faith in themselves, discover values and make responsible choices.
please mark as brainliest answer ♥️ please thank my answer please friend ❣️✌️❤️ God bless you
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