Math, asked by rachealadeoye12, 9 months ago

The bearing of a point P from a point Q is 130 degrees. What is the bearing Q from P?


Answered by Anonymous


=> Do as directed below:- (process to solve)-

To find a baring first mark north at the point you are measuring from. Draw a line to the other point. Now measure the angle from north in a clockwise direction. So if the other point is due-north the baring will be 0º, due-east is 90º, due-south is 180º and due-west is 270º.

To do your question first draw a picture of where everything is. Pick a scale say 2cm is 1 mile. Draw a point in the middle of your page. Mark North. Measure 37º clockwise from North and draw a line at this angle. Now measure 6cm = 3 miles along the line. This is the position of the fish now. Mark north at this point. At the new point measure 141º from north (this should be roughly south east). Draw a line at this angle, this is the path of the fish.

The next bit is actually quite tricky. An approximate way of drawing this is first to find the time the boat will take to reach where the fish started from, 3 mile / 25mph = 0.12 hours = 7 min 12 sec. Mark the points where the fish will be after each minute. The fish are traveling a 6mph which is 1/10 mile every minute, so at our 2cm to 1 mile scale, mark points at 2mm intervals. Now draw the locus of where the boat could be after each minute. It will travel 2.92 miles in 7 min and 3.33 miles in 8 min. So draw circles of 5.8cm and 6.6cm. Find where these cross the path of the fish, which should be near the 7 and 8 min marks. Choose the closest match. Find the baring of this point.

[From internet source]Bcoz I had never solve the bearing type questions.


Step-by-step explanation:

Follow me.. Hope u cleared and understood.

Answered by ansumansingh2707


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.. Good Night

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