English, asked by barorvishal2, 6 months ago

The Best Christmas Present
in the World
Before you read
There are some dates or periods of time in the history
of the world that are so significant that everyone
Knots and remembers them. The story you will read
mennons one such date and event: a war between
the British and the Germans in 1914. Can you guess
which war it was
Do you know which events the dates below refer to?
4 July 1776
(bl 17 December 1903
Id 6 August 1945 (d) 30 January 1948
e 12 April 1961 0 20 July 1969
The answers are on page 23
spotted it in a junk shop in Bridport, a roll-top desk.
Teman said it was early nineteenth century, and oak.
bad wanted one, but they were far too expensive. This
temas in a bad condition, the roll-top in several pieces,
eleg clumsily mended, scorch marks all down one
. It was going for very little money. I thought I could
spotted it:
saw it: found it
scorch marks:
burn marks
was going for:
was selling for
Christmas Eve.
(here) repair
a thin layer of
plastic or
wood on
furniture of
cheap wood
sure it. It would be a risk, a challenge, but I had to
e it. I paid the man and brought it back to my
I removed the roll-top completely and pulled out the
ces. The veneer had lifted almost everywhere — it
kroom at the back of the garage. I began work on it
please translate in Hindi
please help me help me
l promise to be the answer to like and brainlist but incorrect answers I would report the answer​


Answered by FirstNameLastName

4 July, 1776: Independence day of the United States of America.

17 December, 1903: Wilbur Wright and Oliver Wright invented invented the first airplane.

6 August, 1945: The United States detonated two nuclear weapons over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

30 January, 1948: Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated.

12 April, 1961: Yuri Gagrin became the first man to travel into space.

20 July, 1969: Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon.

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