The bird that makes the longest migration
Bird name is toucan
as i don't know for kind information
Five bird species that migrate great distances...
(•)Flight is one of the most astonishing of avian attributes. Speeding falcons, graceful egrets, and the aerial acrobatics of courting hummingbirds leave me in awe.
(•)Perhaps the most astounding aspect of flight is one that we cannot see — birds’ ability to cover distances, sometimes incredible distances. Consider the Blackpoll Warbler that breeds in the boreal forests of Canada and winters in the Amazon basin of South America.
But it’s the truly long-distance migrants that challenge believability. The Arctic Tern is the world’s champion long-distance migrant. It breeds in the circumpolar Arctic and sub-Arctic and winters in the Antarctic. Tracking studies have found the birds make annual journeys of about 44,100 miles. One tern flew from the Netherlands to Antarctica via New Zealand, for a one-year trip of 57,000 miles. Arctic Terns don’t make the trip without stopping, of course, but this fact doesn’t detract from the total distance traveled.
(•) Arctic Terns are long-lived; many survive 20 years, and one banded bird lived for 34. To put this into perspective, consider that thousands of Arctic Terns have an annual migration almost twice as far as flying around the earth at the equator. A tern that lives for 22 years, for example, would fly more miles (970,200) than the equivalent of two roundtrips to the moon in its lifetime (955,600 miles)...