The birds are flying away? kavitha says into indirect speech
The correct answer is:
Kavita asked if the birds were flying away.
Examples are "They stated you didn't like it," "I asked her what her plans were," and "Citizens complained about the smoke."When information is communicated without the speaker's actual words, the speaker is said to be speaking indirectly.
When reported or indirect conversation alludes to the past, the verb tense is usually modified.
Saying, telling, and asking are all examples of reporting verbs. The reported words may also be introduced with the word "that." The word "inverted" is not used.
I saw him, she proclaimed. She stated that she had seen him in direct speech. (Urgent Address)
Indirect speech - Kavitha asked whether the birds were flying away.
- Direct speech Reprises, or quotations, the exact words spoken.
- When we use direct speech in jotting, we place the words spoken between citation marks("") and there's no change in these words.
- Direct speech is a judgment in which the exact words spoken are reproduced in speech marks( also known as citation marks or reversed commas).
- Indirect speech is speech which tells you what someone said, but doesn't use the person's factual words for illustration.
For example,
- They said you did not like it','
- I asked her what her plans were',
- ' Citizens complained about the bank'.
- In circular speech, the original speaker's words are changed.