The birth register for La Paz district shows 245 male births and 210 female births per thousand individuals in 2015. The following year, 320 male and 275 female births were recorded for every one thousand individuals. Solve the birth rate of the district for two consecutive years.
A village of 23,473 people has 2,342 births and 473 deaths. What is the growth rate for this village?
Dr. M is thinking about moving to Hawaii because he heard that there were great waves for body surfing and the temperature rarely dips below 80 degrees. However he is concerned about the population density. In 1997, the population of Hawaii was 1,115,274 on a total surface area of 6,423 square miles. What was the population density of Hawaii?
A population of 1000 alligators has a birthrate of 400 per year. Each year, 150 alligators die, and 150 leave the population to look for new territory, but 30 alligators arrive from other territories to join the population. What is the annual population growth rate per thousand animals? Calculate also for the population to double.
pls help with solution. need help po pls send correct answers
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hi bro how are you unit is a cold desert in the world this region experiences extreme aridity as
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