The boy in the story Adventures in a Banyan Tree became witness to the fight between a cobra and mongoose. Prepare a write up on the fight.
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But at last, the mongoose won the fight. I was seated on the top of the banyan tree when the fight was going on the combatants were unaware of my presence. These were 2 spectators ajungle crow and a myna ready to watch the fight. The crow was in trouble but the myna was wise.
The other two spectators were a myna and a crow. But they were no longer spectators. Soon they participated in the battle between the cobra and the mongoose.In addition to the narrator, the two other onlookers of the fight were a myna and a wild crow. First of all they sat on the cactus plant to watch the outcome of the fight. In the end, they took part in the game. Both tried to pick up the cobra for their meal.
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