Biology, asked by Rishiket, 1 year ago

The brain is responsible for:​

satusing2: for everything


Answered by TheMySteRyQueEn

The brain is responsible for:

A. Thinking

B. Regulating the heart beat

C. Balancing the body

Brain is divided into many parts- cerebrum, cerebellum, hypothalamus, medulla oblongata, pons.

Cerebrum is concerned with thinking. Midbrain, pons and medulla are concerned with regulating the heartbeat. Cerebellum helps in balancing the body.

sunny4967: thank you ji
sunny4967: it is helpful for me
TheMySteRyQueEn: :)
sunny4967: hii
sunny4967: u make my friends
Answered by Abhinavsingh34133


  1. Brain controls CNS central nervous system
  2. CNS controls all involuntary muscles and some times voluntary muscles too
  3. All memory and data is stored in neurons present in brain

Additional information :

  • With help of Technology computer can download and save the date in their computer and will help in future teleport , present teleport and soul exchange

Abhinavsingh34133: isnt brain coolest thing in body
Abhinavsingh34133: ??
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