English, asked by ragini256, 10 months ago

the brave little parrot can be interpreted as an argument . Indentify and explain what is an argument might be


Answered by Arslankincsem

Here the story is interpreted as the argument.

It was impossible to extinguish the fire for the small parrot, he never lose his confidence and hope.

He thought about others without thinking about himself.

He performed his duty.

Though the eagle advised him to save himself, he requested the eagle to assist him.

The eagle was impressed by his activity.

The story says that one must not think about the powerlessness and strength and work hard.

Thus they must get the God’s grace.

Answered by Aarzzu

Answer:The brave little parrot has taught us about the buddhist morality.if we have courage we can overcome a danger.But this story also create some confusion to the readers ,can we believe that the birth of lord buddha in form of a parrot?,can miraculous power of god be formed on earth?.Nevertheless ,the moral is admirable.we can take greate leader of the world as an example like Gandhi ,Nalson mandela wjo fought against evil power with their courage and got victory over them.story of these national heros give us moral theme that love to be loved ,help to be helped and courage take courage to come over the probelm taking it as the surest weapons against any problem.


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