The British territories were broadly divided into administrative units called Presidencies. Each was ruled by a Governor. Who was the supreme head of the administration?
a) Governor
b) Viceroy
c) Governor-General
d) Collector
2Who led the East India Company in the battle of Plassey?
a) Warren Hastings
b) Robert Clive
c) Dalhousie
d) None of the above
3In the early nineteenth century the British began to develop a uniform military culture and soldiers were subjected to __________.
a) Modern style of training
b) European style training
c) Guerilla training
d) All of the above
4Which one was not a trading company?
a) Dutch East India Company
b) Portuguese East India Company
c) Japanese East India Company
d) French East India Company
5Choose the correctly matched pair from the following.
a) Doctine of Lapse -- Robert Clive
b) Paramountcy --- Lord Hastings
d) New administrative system -- Richard Wellesley
c) Subsidiary alliance -- Cornwallis
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1. Introduction
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2. Comics
A Story of From Trade to Territory
3. Key Concepts
The Company Establishes Power
East India Company Comes East
Company Rule Expands
Setting Up a New Administration
4. Quiz
5. Did You Know?
Some Facts
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From Trade to Territory
Our Pasts - III
Setting Up a New Administration
Warren Hastings, Governor-General of India from 1773 to 1785, introduced several administrative reforms, most famous of which were in the areas of justice. He also played a major role in the expansion of Company power, and by the end of his time, the Company had acquired power in Bengal, Bombay, and Madras. British territories were broadly divided into administrative units called Presidencies.
A new system of justice was established in 1772; each district was to have two courts - a criminal court - faujdari adalat, and a civil court - diwani adalat. Maulvis and Hindu pandits interpreted Indian laws for the European district collectors who presided over civil courts. The criminal courts were still under a qazi and a mufti, but under the supervision of the collectors.
In 1775, eleven pandits were asked to compile a digest of Hindu laws based on dharmashastra, and N.B. Halhed translated this digest into English. By 1778, a code of Muslim laws was also compiled for the benefit of European judges.
Under the Regulating Act of 1773, a new Supreme Court was established, and a court for appeals – the Sadar Nizamat Adalat – was also set up at Calcutta.
The Collector was the principal figure, and his main job was to collect revenue and taxes and to maintain law and order in his district with the help of judges, police officers, and darogas. His office, called the Collectorate, became the new centre of power and patronage.
The Company's Army
In the early 1800s, the British began to develop a uniform military culture for its forces in India. The Company's soldiers, many of whom were Indians, were increasingly subjected to European-style training, drill, and discipline that regulated and changed their lives far more than before.
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Hemendra Kumar nice.......
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Hemendra Kumar nice.......
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Hemendra Kumar nice.......
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Hemendra Kumar nice.......
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