History, asked by mythelyyp, 11 months ago

The Britishers followed a discriminatory policy in all sphere of life. Do you agree with the statement? What provisions are there in Indian Constitution which prevents discrimination? Mention any two

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mythelyyp: My teacher is scolding me


Answered by Anonymous
One common feature of the colonial administrative structure was the absence of Indians from responsible offices. The field of their employment was narrowed to subordinate positions such as daroga, chowkidar and sepoys. This was mainly because the British were convinced that an administration based on British ideas, institutions and practices could be firmly established only by English men.
Two provisions in indian constitution which prevents discrimination are:
1: Arricle 15 pertaining to prohibition on discrimination on grounds of religion, caste, race,gender, place of birth.
2: Article 16 pertaining to equalitu of opportunity in matters of public employment.

jashan00: hii
Answered by pujitanand2007



The Britishers had always used discriminatory policies as the main concept of power they had was "Divide and Rule". They believed in smaller units to rule, hence they made discriminatory policies. For example, the Doctrine of Lapse. 

The Indian Constitution prevents discrimination through the following provisions; 

(i) Prohibition of Discrimination in regard of religion, caste, creed, sex and place of birth. 

(ii) Right to life and liberty. 

(iii) Freedom of Speech. 

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