The captain of the guard and Tyl’ s are talking about Tyl’ a and entertaining the palace complete the conversation between them
Captain: Hey there! You fellow on the | donkey! We don’t allow any loafers here. You and your donkey already look like skeletons. (Tyl dismounts from his I donkey.) .
Tyl (bowing): May God bless you. May God bless you, Sir Captain! If I look j like a skeleton, it is not my fault,
Captain: Why are you here?
Tyl: I’m very hungry. I’ve come here because I’m forced to. If you will be so good as to give me a piece of the gold cord that you wear on your coat, I’ll go and hang myself by the teeth on that large leg of mutton that I see hanging in that butcher’s shop.
Captain: (looks at Tyl curiously): Where do you come from?
Tyl: From Flanders
Captain: What do you want?
Tyl: 1 should like to show His Highness, the Archduke, one of my pictures. I’m a painter.
Captain: WeB, if you are a painter and if you come from Flanders, you may come in. (The Captain opens the gate and lets Tyl in.)