The cause was that W.E.B. Du Bois encouraged many black female writers, artists, poets, and novelists. What was the result?
Think about cause-and-effect relationships.
A) He became the president of the NAACP.
B) He wrote a book about women's rights.
C) He featured their work in his magazine.
D) He became the leader of the suffrage movement.
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Your answer is to question answer is option c
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C) He featured their work in his magazine.
He let mass people know about their work, which helps them get recognition and also inspired society to encourage them and many others like them for a good cause.
W.E.B Du Bois was a socialist and sociologist, journalist, and historian who worked for the civil rights of the black people. He believed in equal rights for African Americans. He contributed mainly to the race-to-race problem that existed in society at that time.
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