the central message of poem no men are foreign
plz ans me correct and in brief
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Hope it helps!!
This is a peace poem and gives us a strong massage to stop all the wars and look upon humanity. The poet wants us to be a Global Citizen and also warns the rulers of all countries That,when they wage wars they not only injure the interest of those whom they hate but also injure themselves. The poet describes a number of similarities that we share with our (supposed) enemies. The poet notes that underneath every soldiers uniform, the soldier breaths as we do. The soldier who oppose us all walk on the same earth as we do, they share the same Sun, drink water and enjoy the harvest of the earth. In addition, we also share similar body parts, such as hands that Labour and eyes that wake from sleep. If we fight with each other, we destroy the earth that we share and destroy innocence everywhere. When we fight with others, we forget that our enemies are not foreigner but are like ourselves. It also states that even though we are different in terms of Culture,Tradition,Economic background etc. ,we are same. We should not discriminate people (on the basis of Gender,Caste,Sex etc.) We should live in peace and harmony ,forgive our enemies and live with love because 'Love is the medicine of all differences'.